The first thing I pack before any trip is a pair of running shoes.
Doing lines in Paris (2/3)
Understanding the French queueing tradition by Matt from America (second part)
Shaun Jefford
This week, Shaun Jefford, the filmmaker of Beijing Punk answers our questions
Captain Romano is on the air
Captain Romano takes you in the air for a musical ride
Hejorama heroes : Sir Richard F. Burton
Alex explains why Sir Richard F. Burton is a hero of the Hejorama culture
Doing lines in Paris (1/3)
Understanding the French queueing tradition by Matt from America
Space: Where no paying customer has gone before
Virgin Galactic wants you to go explore the final frontier...
How Travel Brings Acceptance to the World’s Oldest Profession
The second article of the Breakfast at Tiffany's column
How to sleep cheap in the CIS
A bit of history and a guide to find cheap flats in the CIS (countries of the former U.S.S.R.)
Beijing Punk
Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll in China with the Beijing Punks
Romano’s Travel Notebook
We will publish regularly travel notebook. The first one is by Romain.
World Trip 1
Soundtrack of the first World Trip party. African West Coast > Tokyo > Rio de Janeiro.
World Trip Party n°1
Pictures and soundtrack from the Hejorama Launch party
The Bamboo Technique of Tattooing
The introduction of Sailor Roman and how he got his first tattoo
How To dance the Lezginka
Kicking away the ancient dust of timidity with a Chechen step.
How To fight the Jet lag effect
How-to fight the jet-lag and enjoy your trip from the very start