Travels gifs selection #2

Hemma! / Posted by Bea Rosensvärd

This is our new travel related GIFs selection created with the app from our friends at Loopcam. Take advantage of the holidays to create some awesome GIFs and don't forget to enter our Hejorama x Loopcam contest page and win a t-shirt from our upcoming "J'ai 2 amours ... et Paris" collection.
This will be the last article of 2011 on Hejorama so enjoy your holidays, travel, party and have good time with your family and friends.
See you in 2012!
PS: we will understand if you don't stay on this page more than 2 minutes. It might cause headaches if you stay too long. GIFs are still awesome!

And don't forget the #360trip contest!
More details on the Hejorama x Loopcam contest page. Some examples below. Check the new creations on the website.