The Monday Map : Welcome to the World of Sex
If you were in Paris (or in a French major city) last Saturday, you may have seen large crowds of people in the streets, especially a lot of gays and lesbians. It was the Gay Pride, and even if it is a festive event, it's also a good opportunity to talk about serious subjects like homophobia, same-sex wedding or the danger of the AIDS.
That's why, for this Monday Map, I have decided to share with you this map of a "sex theme park", which is the latest American AIDES HIV/AIDS awareness campaign realized by Rod Hunt. The map was handed out to visitors at the Museum of Sex in New York City and also in newspapers.
"Welcome to the World of Sex, the safer you play, the longer you stay"
It's a funny and intelligent way to increase public awareness of this subject: the world of sex is full of both pleasure and risk, as is an amusement park. To protect yourselves from HIV, you have to always use a condom. And to able to visit the different attractions and enjoy the moment, you have to buy you "condom ticket"! When it's done, you can enjoy a lot of pleasures... If you are gay or lesbian, you have to go to the "Penis Plume" or the "Isle of Lesbos". As for me, I think that the "Clit Coaster" seems crazy !
We are looking forward to see someone crazy enough to actually create this "sex park"!
To download the map in HD, click here.