Sunny Stuttgart

In America kids are raised getting dressed up and getting excited to go searching for candy. Although it has it’s roots in the catholic religion and all saints day is celebrated in France, people go to the cemetery here and bring flowers and clean up the graves. Yet all hallow’s eve, the eve of all saints day just doesn’t have an equivalent in France.
I was in Oslo, Norway once for a tattoo convention on Halloween, I didn’t bring a costume because 1) my suitcase was already heavy with winter clothes and tattoo equiptment. 2) I wasn’t sure that people would get dressed up. My doubts were confirmed, I saw some very few people dressed up in the down town area when we left the convention hall to have a late night dinner. But at the concert/tattoo convention, noone was dressed up. (Except the bands but I think it was their regular gimic)
I was invited back to Stuttgart by Melli the rock ‘n’ roll hairdresser (Melli’s dos n dyes) to tattoo her and all her friends. (The first trip was 4 days “a test” this time I was to stay 1 week). My first hint that there may be a possibility to dress up in Stuttgart was when Melli told me there was a Mexican day of the dead soirée. I had some ideas for a simple costume just in case, not too much stuff to pack, plus I was going by train so I had no weight worries this time. Stuttgart is lovely in autumn the colors were really more vibrant than I found in Paris.

The girls wanted to get dressed up. We started the evening with a walk through a candle lit cemetry and a great pumpkin soup at Jassi’s house. Melli and her friends had tons of crazy wigs. I borrowed a lavendar one. The girls wanted to do sugar skull makeup, I’ve done the same in San Francisco, so I thought I’d do something different. I was dressed as a rag doll but I ended up looking like a psycho clown! My friends said that with the costume I became the character. I guess I’m kinda a cameleon that way.
I helped Melli with her makeup while Jassi and Iris worked on each other. You will need some brushes and makeup sponges, and some theatrical makeup. Waterbased works best (black, white, red some other colors). Others are easier to use but afterwards your face feels all greasy and it tends to get everywhere.
Stuttgart is a small town. I couldn’t believe how many rockers there are there!
In the streets there were not too many people in costume, but maybe we were out too late or too early. The metro was fun with people laughing and appreciating our makeup and costumes and really in the spirit with us.
In France, Halloween has never really caught on and I don’t think it ever will. I don’t think the french think it’s fun or funny to look ridiculous. I think Stuttagrt might become my Halloween tradtion. Anybody wants to meet me there next year?
- 1) apply the white base slowly starting with the forehead and working down and around until the whole face has a good matte, uniform layer.
- 2) use medium brush for the eyes and larger areas.
- 3) a fine brush for the details
- 4) you can add glitter, false eyelashes or sequins, (with the eyelash glue)

- Read more about Stuttgart: beer, pretzles and the tv tower.