“Marroco or the center of France?”
We needed to escape Paris for a few days, and wanted to enjoy the early spring sun.

The Stevenson trail sounded like a better idea for what we needed.
Go outside, start walking again and enjoy the low season in France.

We followed (before discovering it) Stevenson hiking philosophy for this trip.
Walk and walk all day, without talking, until exhaustion. Then all the pleasure comes from the break, the stop, the pause.
So be it.
Three days of walk in beautiful and deserted landscapes, where weather helped us with exhaustion, but with unique moments and views too.
And for stops, we got the idea pretty fast; and took lots of pleasure taking lots of stops, involving wild survival cooking and awesome local food.

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DAY 01


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DAY 02


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walkBIG DSCF4228DSCF4242joniWalkerBIGDSCF4251 DSCF4258 DSCF4269 DSCF4298 DSCF4314 DSCF4338 DSCF4360vachesBIGDSCF4375 DSCF4397 DSCF4398 DSCF4421 DSCF4431 pocketBIG DSCF4439 DSCF4440 TisaneBIG

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DAY 03


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DAY 04


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