Our 2012 Christmas Wishlist

The VW campervan tent
You like road trips but can't afford a nice vintage VW campervan? Then this tent is made for you! Take the road with your old Opel Corsa and at night hide it in the bushes while you sleep in this awesome tent that will make the passers-by so jealous.
The World ring
There's one ring to rule them all and we believe it's this one. Wear it and feel like a classier Tony Montana with this subtle sign that says that the World is Yours.
Polaroid Z2300
Missing the vintage photos of the legendary Polaroid? And you'd like to have the chance to also leave souvenirs of the people you meet along the road? Then this new version of the Polaroid camera will be great for you. Take it on your trips, shoot and print at your best convenience.
"J'ai 2 amours" T-shirts
We know you like Paris, who doesn't? Then celebrate your love with our exclusive collection of T-shirts "J'ai 2 amours". And because we highly cherish our loyal readership we have decided that all T-shirts will be on sale for 3 days: from Friday 14th till Sunday 16th all our T-shirts will be at 15€ (and free shipping in France as usual). Don't miss it!
Tote Bags by Les Carnets de Traverse
Our friend Julie who blogs at Les Carnets de Traverse has created some great travel accessories in her shop and we highly recommend that you pay it a visit if you look for cool Christmas gift. Our favorite item? This beautiful tote bag that will show both your trendy and adventurous sides.
Please note that Julie is co-organizing our Christmas party event in Paris and you will be able to buy her gifts there too.
Google Nexus 7
We love tech and really believe that the Nexus 7 is the best deal you will get for a quality tablet to bring on your adventures. Read, watch movies, use the maps, tweet or update your Facebook status on the go with the best Android tablet that we've tested so far.
4D cityscape puzzles
Looking for a gift for your little nerdy cousin? He will probably enjoy those 4D puzzles that will make him travel in both space and time using the various layers
And if you are in Paris, don't forget our awesome Christmas market where will be selling travel related items along with work from Sunny Buick, Carnets de Traverse, Cosmo Sapiens, Pierre-Adrien Sollier and As de Pique. Opening party on Thursday, join the stuff and find the Christmas gifts you were missing.
Team Hejorama