Hejorama Christmas List

We like to make videos during our trips but we hate having to carry any sort of camcorders that will make us look like a tourists. We like to be flexible, mobile and ready for any kind of adventures. And carrying expensive tech equipment doesn’t exactly fit well with our definition of traveling. So far we were mostly using a Vado camera which was satisfying but not perfect. You never know when something cool is going to happen and if you are not recording all the time you might miss it. That’s why Looxcie is amazing, it’s a small wearable camcorder with the form factor of a Bluetooth headset filming all the time. Sounds like the perfect option to film your trips and still enjoy every moments of it. We are looking forward to get our hands on one!
Moleskine City Notebook
We are a bit old school and like a nice notebook to write/draw when we travel (see Romain's travel notebooks 1 and 2). We do have our own Hejorama branded travel notebooks but since you won’t be able to find them in a store near you for now, we will suggest Moleskine products. We really like their city notebooks. They offer a great quality paper for your notes/drawings and a set of useful information regarding each city: maps, tips and local information. We’d like to get the Berlin edition since we are hoping to go there in April. But if you want to come visit, we suggest you get the one dedicated to Paris.
Tron: Legacy soundtrack
Tron is one of our favorite movies ever and we are looking forward discovering its sequel when it’s released. Meanwhile, we patiently wait and listen to the soundtrack that was released a week ago, a powerful symphony composed by Daft Punk.
Man VS Wild Season 4
We are fan of Bear Grylls and his crazy adventures across the world. It’s always a pleasure to watch him drink his own pee, swim in frozen lakes or fight alligators while sitting comfortably on our sofa with a beer (or a tea). Don’t you think?
We love books, the real ones with a cover and plenty of pages inside, and we don’t want to replace them with electronics. Never! But there’s a reality that when you travel for a long period you can’t carry a decent library in your backpack. Well, with the Kindle you can. This ebook e-reader made by Amazon will be our first choice when we decide to invest in a virtual bookshelf. You benefit for a solid hardware and a massive choice of books through Amazon Kindle Store.
James Bond 007: GoldenEye on Nintendo DS
If you are not into reading you should get a DS, it’s the perfect time waster when you are in an airport or a train. We can’t travel without ours. Especially since we all have one, we heavily use the multiplayer feature. And there’s no better multiplayer than Golden Eye. We were already hooked on the N64 version 15 years ago and spent a lot of time on it. So it’s a bit of nostalgia for us but mostly great fun to be able to kill our friends with the golden gun in the complex.
Aspinal Deluxe USA Travel Collection
We are not really into the expensive and flashy stuff. But if Santa is rich enough to buy us this travel kit we would probably say no. Honestly, who could resist a crocodile skin passport holder?
Fashion selection for trendy girls
For the adventurous girls who wants to add a fashion touch to their travel outfits, we recommend this small selection : APC Boots, Illesteva Sunglasses and a vintage style Vanity Case.
Virginie's chocolates
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." said our beloved Forest Gump. With Virginie's chocolates you are sure to get only cute and delicious ones. Find her collection on her website
Thanks to Gaelle Mancina for her help. Find more ideas on her blog.
What about you ? What do you want for Christmas ?