Announcing the Gangs of Travelers week!
Dear friends, we are happy to announce that next week will be entirely focused and dedicated to group travelling in our magazine. Why group travelling? Well because that's what we like the most and there's plenty of resources already for solo travelers on the blogs of all our friends Roy, Ayngelina, Ross, Benny... (too many that we like to cite them all sorry)
How is it going to work? Basically every day you will have an interview of different group of travellers or "gang" as we like to call them. You will meet fascinating, exotic, dangerous, fun, interesting people that have decided that travel was definitely better when you have a chance to share everything with your mates. You will be inspired by their travel stories and will learn from them all the tips to enjoy travelling with more than your imaginary friend Tony.
But the survey will also feature different articles about travelling in group in general, maps, illustrations and videos.
The only question is: CAN YOU DIG IT? (yes it's a reference to the Warriors movie because we don't really care if you dig this article on, it's dead anyways)
Come back Monday morning for our first gang, the infamous 7512connexion!