Hejorama Goes Cruising

Lucky for me, they booked a cruise on my ship. The itinerary was a good one, including some of my favorite ports such as St Martin, St Thomas and St Kitts.
According to Alex, the team flew into Baltimore and stayed at the swanky Mariott Hotel for a night, before joining the new ship. They were initially planning on couchsurfing but "no hot girls" had accepted his couchrequest.
Day 1: Baltimore (Embarkation Day)
Embarkation day is always busy but I managed to get off work just in time to join the team for dinner. We started off at the buffet and Adrien whispered to me "Is this really all you can eat?". I nodded but was still surprised at everyone's huge appetite. It was as if they hadn't eaten in days.
After that we went to the martini bar and played a few drinking games.
Day 2: St Kitts.
Today was rough. We were in St. Kitts but everyone was too hungover to get off the ship. Later that day, I met the team at the buffet again stuffing their faces.
Day 3: St Martin
We got off the ship and went to McDonalds for lunch. After that we headed to the beach, got some deck-chairs and drank icy-cold Coronas all day. On the way back to the ship, the team bought matching "I :heart: St Martin" t-shirts and some souvenir fridge magnets.

Day 4: St Thomas
We got off the ship and had the "all you can eat wings" lunch special at Hooters. It was awesome. Alex did a "tequila body shot" off one of the Hooter girls. And Ben got really drunk and was almost got kicked out for grabbing our waitress's ass. Everyone bought Hooters merchandise on the way out.
It was the last day of the cruise and we wanted to end it with a bang. So we went on a little "pub crawl", ending at the ship. Back on the ship, we had a few martinis before going to the buffet for a humongous portion of burgers and fries.
Day 5: Baltimore (Disembarkation day)
I said my goodbyes to Team Hejorama. They seemed to have had a good time. Alex commented "What I really like about cruises is you get to see and do so much!" Ben said "Yes, this is what traveling is about". I agreed, it had been a great cruise.
Roy is a perpetual traveler. He's lived in 7 countries, traveled to 40+ more and right now works on a cruise ship. He also likes to contradict and talk about himself in the third-person. You can follow his travels on cruisesurfingz.com.