Our plans for Hejorama in 2011

2011 has finally arrived and with it a lot of expectations. We are ambitious and determined to take Hejorama to the next level, closer to our ideals. We have built a strong team of contributors (a family I would say), met inspiring travelers and even started interesting partnerships. This year -with you- we conquer the World!
Here’s a sneak peek of things you can expect from/with us in 2011:
Videos and trips
We have always wanted to have the most medias we can on Hejorama: text, video, music, pictures, etc. But we have quite failed on the video side for now. Well, that was until we got our Looxcies and with them a lot of film projects. As you can guess, we plan on filming our trips with them and hopefully capture the very spirit of the Hejorama philosophy. First destination: Tel Aviv in February. Then Berlin, Prague, London, the world... More details in a coming article.
Weekly and monthly columns
In 2011, we will organize some parts of the site more like a traditional magazine. This will include regular weekly and monthly column on different topics: review of video games to wait during your long transits, fashion help to be ready for your destination, food recipes, and slang classes. We have a lot coming but if you have any more ideas, feel free to contact me.
We like to party, go to movies, or drink cheap red wine in exhibition openings, so we plan on organizing some of those ourselves regularly from now. First event of 2011, a photo exhibition in Paris with work from Alexandre D’Audiffret on the theme “travel on foot”. The opening will be on Jan 13th but don’t worry we will give all the details this week.
Also you remember the World Trip Party? Well, a new one is planned to happen soon. Details are still not available so stay tuned! And in 2011, we go global so expect an Hejorama party near you soon...
We have started slowly with a couples of podcasts but we plan to have them more regularly in 2011. Coming next: Captain Romano takes you in a musical journey through the islands.
As you can see, a lot of good things are coming and we have kept a few surprises. So happy new year everyone, may 2011 be a year of great travels and success for you all. Hopefully we'll have a chance to meet you somewhere around the world this year.