New York Nights is a pho­to­graphic book by the New-York based couple of photographers: James and Karla Murray. This cre­ative team who also made the Store Front — The Disappearing Face of New York, has launched this new book that explores many of the New York busi­nesses that are alive and kick­ing dur­ing night­time hours.


And in addi­tion to the his­to­ries of each estab­lish­ments, the book includes inter­views with the busi­ness own­ers and inter­est­ing his­tor­i­cal sto­ries. An interesting way to discover the city!




“No other city in the world stages dusk to dawn like New York City. In this book one can expe­ri­ence New York on foot, the ulti­mate reward for the noc­tur­nal explorer.”
James T. & Karla L. Murray



You can order the book on Amazon right here.

via Design Work Life